Unlocking Your Creativity
Hello Creatives!
Creativity is the gift that keeps on giving. Its limits cannot be reached. There's always more. You have the capacity within you to create. I like to mold my words to form the world I desire. Yes, that's faith talk and CREATIVE Talk.
Create, making something into reality that was a figment of imagination.
Solve problems.
Are business owners, writers, actors, teachers, and inventors to name a few!
2 Keys to Creativity
The key to finding your creative side is to not take yourself too seriously, I don't. As a writer (and human in general) I allow for mishaps and weird words that aren't actually words. I don't follow all the writing rules, because I don't have to and you don't either! You don’t have to wait until all your ducks are in a row to create.
Color outside the lines of your life, God did when he spoke the Earth into being. He did what hadn’t been done before. Let loose, leave your daily script for a while and freely color as if roadblocks didn’t exist. Think, what would you do if you had unlimited resources, would you start that business, build that brand, solve that problem, write your book…what would you do if you could color outside the lines?
Creativity needs 2 things. Create with purpose and a clear message, without clarity there’s nothing but mess!
The purpose is your why. There’s purpose in solving a problem just as there’s purpose in writing a book. The four main purposes include, to educate, inspire, entertain, and solve. Are you writing/drawing/painting/acting/creating to educate (teach), inspire (motivate), or entertain (fun)? I’ve recently released a book that entertains, Chasity, the Dragon Slayer about when light and darkness collide while a young girl on a mission to retrieve the Crown of Light from the fallen king. Entertainment should be your target audience's version of fun! Or is there a problem you’re solving? You have solutions inside you that need to be birthed!
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The second thing you need to do is make sure your message is clear. What are you saying in your writing? What problem does your invention/creation solve? What are you saying in your art, different pieces can have the same message undertone. Whether it's fictional or truth, there's a message in everything. Cinderella has a message just as the Bible's book of Job.
Sis, here is your permission to color outside the lines of life, unlock your God-given creativity. Now, grab it and run with it!