The Day I Quit…

It all happened in the bathroom. Circa de Thursday ticks the time my life started to fall into place.

I was changing clothes in the bathroom getting ready to head to my second job, waiting tables and bartending. As my foot stepped in my jeans preparing for my next shift, I hung my head and whispered “God, I just can’t anymore.” A light undertone whispered through my heart, “Do you trust me?”

This wasn’t the first time I heard such a s whisper, but sometimes I felt that I was talking to me within my head, does that make sense?! The ride to my second job was a long one as I contemplated that faint whisper. So I did what any 34 woman year old would do, I called my mom! I told her everything, even my other feelings of not moving on too soon, because the second job was a blessing. However, the blessing began to feel like a boulder. My faith filled momma, didn’t make the decision for me, she spoke to the life that was inside of me. I went inside and gave my notice, before I chickened out.

When the Enemy Comes

After giving my notice, not so faint whispers prowled though my mind. Blurting, you’re single, how are you going to xyz, you want to go to Terri Savelle Foy’s Next Conference, how are you going to do that? Meanwhile, I’m trying to extinguish the fires of my mind… But GOD! At my second job as a server, one of my last tables for the night came in, they were four beautiful black souls. Y’all, somehow, the conversation shifted and I told them I gave my two week’s notice. And they came with the Word. When I say they came with it, they came WITH IT OKAY!! They washed me in it, it’s like God had them there just for me. Thank you Jesus!

I left work with my head held high, my God came for me and I know that He’s got me. Since then, not a single doubt has entered my mind. I’ve actually felt an indescribable freedom. I’ve been able to create more, write more, and be involved with my church more.

I’ve been able to simply…be.

What was once a blessing was now a boulder.

Transitions in Life

Just as seasons change in the natural, from fall to winter, seasons also change in our lives both physically and spiritually. A season is simply a time marked by a certain activity. Seasons are committed to a purpose. The purpose of my season waiting tables came to an end as it accomplished what it set out to accomplish. I knew it was time to move because I was becoming extremely restless and irritable. The job began to feel like a burden instead of a blessing. I didn’t give my notice at the first sight of discomfort/struggle, tho because on the real, the money was goodt, okay!! However, my peace was non existent and stress was prevalent. Then, the day I was changing clothes in the bathroom, I had enough.

Now, I’m in transition.

I said YES to trusting God to come through for me.

I will NEVER beg for bread. Now, that doesn’t mean it won’t get hard, but I’ll have what I need when I need it.

2 Must Do Tips While in a Life Transition

  1. ADAPT. Transition is a vulnerable time and a dangerous time for anyone. It is very important to adapt and change with the season you’re in so the decisions you make will produce what they’re supposed to.

  2. PRAY & Be STILL. If you don’t know the season you’re in? If you’re cloudy about things in your life, then pray. I know it’s cliche, but prayer helps and it changes things. Also, be still. God still speaks and He still parts Red Seas. He can make a way out of no way. God is God and I am NOT!

It all started in the bathroom and now I’m here…in transition, waiting in expectation to hear my marching orders signed by my Lord! Are you in transition, comment below!

Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!

My First Writing Piece


Unlocking Your Creativity