My First Writing Piece

My grandma’s bed was the birthing for my first book!

I remember like it was yesterday, I’m in church and my then pastor Bishop Smith was preaching about the love of God during Easter, then it clicked, like really clicked that Jesus loves ME! I wrote by first poem that day and honestly didn’t think anything of it. Time passed and November came. My family and I went to my grandma’s house. I went into her room with the intent of resting because I was tired. However, God had other plans. I began to write. Poem after poem came.

Before I knew it I had a collection. A collection that I stored in a box under my bed in a pencil zipper pouch. It gathered dust for months maybe a few years. One day, a pen or something went under my bed that I needed. When I went to retrieve it, I saw my box. I pulled it out and looked through everything. I had a collection of over 100 poems. I whispered to myself, what should I do with these. “Put them in a book.” I heard that as clear as day and that’s what I did.

Becoming a Published Author

I remember the excitement like it was yesterday. I sat on the counter of my classroom and read the email with excitement. (You can see the email below.) It was as if the dream I never had but suddenly desired came true, it lead me to publishing Oh My Soul (on sale). See, I didn’t have the desire to write until God changed it as I continued to align with Him in my life.

Publishing contract

My simple goal was to not just be published but to get my book out into the world because that is what I was supposed to do and this certain company was what did it. At the time, I was unaware of the self-publishing world. I’m now aware of both worlds, self-publishing and using a traditional publisher. One of the main advantages of self publishing include having more creative control of content and the overall process and timing, what is an advantage can also be a disadvantage. Traditional publishing can take up to 9 months to a year to get your work on the shelves in books stores, online, and to the world period. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that. Everything is a process. You get your copyright, cover design, marketing, and editing just to name a few. Remember, the company also represents other authors.

So What Happened?

You’re probably wondering what happened, well long story short, they burned me and didn’t give me the royalties I was due and the company went under, like there was a big case and some individuals are behind bars because of it. You could probably find in on Google but I won’t name them! I’ve moved on since then. I gave it to God, he spoke to my heart that he makes all things new and beautiful in his time. Now, let me clear the air so there’s no confusion, God did NOT cause the problems, people did and those people have reaped what they’ve sown. I have forgiven them. Though, I’m not going to lie, sometimes those wounds resurface when publishers reach out.

I’m in a new season in life. I'm grateful for the transition.

My writing is different, but has the same purpose of glorifying God. I’m in an expectant state while I wait on my God.

Comment below and tell me what you’re in expectation for!

Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!

The Lesson Furniture Taught Me


The Day I Quit…