How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing: 5 Tips

Editing is a process, that takes time. I believe it’s the main factor that can make or break your writing, your connection with your readers. Reading anything with multiple mistakes shows that the writer didn’t care, was rushed, or flat out doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re. Let’s face it, mistakes, especially multiple mistakes take away from your story, it losses impact and the ability to hold a reader’s interest.

5 Editing Tips

  1. Read Out LOUD. Read your writing aloud. When you do, you are more prone to spot the simple mistakes like apostrophes, grammar misuse including there, their, and they’re, as well as repeated words. It also helps you hear the loop holes to correct and it assist with hearing the flow of your writing.

  2. Begin at the END. Do this especially if you’re editing your piece. Start at the end of your chapter/paragraph/book, this allows you to realize errors from another perspective.

  3. Take Breaks. Tired eyes are NOT your friend. Tired eyes miss simple errors and make errors while attempting to correct. Fresh eyes find things.

  4. Edit in Stages. Pick one area to focus on and develop it. For instance, you may focus on eliminating repeated words or fixing plot loopholes. Select what you want to edit and allow that to be your sole focus, if you notice something along the way, highlight it/circle it, simply mark it so you can return to it on the next round of edits.

  5. Print it Out. It’s something about editing pen to paper, you’re able to see what the reader sees. Also, editing this way helps you find more mistakes including fragments and run-ons. Use a pretty pen for correction.

BONUS TIP- Edit line by line. Whether beginning at the end or not, editing line by line helps isolate any grammatical errors or any non sense words. Although it’s time consuming, you’d rather present a polish copy of your work than something completed half massed.

Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!

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