The Worse Advice I Received
Some thoughts are inside thoughts.
Have you ever been told something that made you question your path only to return to reality because you know what you’re supposed to be doing. You know your path and your purpose.
The Worst Advice Ever!
Poetry is dead and it will never be published. ( I was published in 2015 with my debut book Oh My Soul.)
Writing is a waste of time, pick a real career. (I have one, well two in fact. I’m a third grade teacher and a writer, I love both and do both.)
Faith based books are trash and hold no value. (Myth, every book has a target audience, they just need to be found.)
Faith Based fiction only exist in time period pieces, the Amish/Puritan for example.
What to Do When You Get Bad Advice
When bad advice comes around and it will, don’t listen to it! Focus on the ONE who is focused on you. (Jesus honey!)Think, what does God say? God gave you mission to fulfill to reach people whether it’s through books, entertainment, or inspiration. You are supposed to use your gifts to reach people for the Kingdom, the HOW is between you and God. Sis, everyone is NOT going to agree with your path and how you may do things.
Now, I’m not saying disregard wise counsel, use discernment. If the advice conflicts with the word of God and goes against what God pressed upon you in the midnight hour, then, that’s advice you DON’T need to listen to as in don’t pass go or collect your $200!
Sis, make sure you throw bad advice where it belongs, in the trash! There’s a difference in constructive critique and bad (trash) advice. Usually constructive critique has consideration, the giving party is careful not to crush what was shared with them. This party entices thought rather than watering doubt. So Sis, when bad advice strikes, exit stage right!
Tell me in the comments, what’s the worst advice you ever received?