10 Best New Year’s Resolutions

Ennie minne miney moe, which resolution shall I pick and stick to?

Goal setting season is here, although I believe it should be a lifestyle. After you smash the first couple of goals, you’re ready to go beast mode and crush it! But what if you’re not sure of where to begin when making resolutions. No worries, I got you covered.

New Year Resolutions

Start your year off with these resolutions. That word resolution gets thrown around a lot around this time of year. A resolution can be a continual practice of something that’s beneficial for you or the start of a new practice that will benefit your well being.

  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier. Even if you lay in the bed a couple times with your eyes open while you get your life together.

  • Move more. Exercise whether it’s a walk around the block or a bike ride.

  • Find a work life balance. As I type this one, I cringe. This is one I need to really work on, perhaps a goal for this upcoming year.

  • Drink more water. Set the limit for you, you may need to begin with one glass before bed or first thing in the morning. Then, work your way up to 8 glasses of water.

  • Read one book a month.

  • Make meaningful connections.

  • Have a bible study/ read a devotion.

  • Save 10% of your income.

  • Remove one sugary food from your diet.

  • Drink one less cup of coffee. This one hurts me too. My name is Jaleesa and I have a coffee problem.

  • Organize your closet or pantry.

  • Learn a new skill. What is something you always wanted to learn? Invest in it.

  • Throw toxic relationships in the trash!

Turn your resolution into a goal by making it more specific and giving it a deadline. Start today! Be the boss of time and tell it what to do and then do it. Before you do anything, think to yourself will this get me closer or further from achieving my goal? If it gets you closer, continue the course, if not trash it. Your time is valuable.

👀Comment your top 3 resolutions below.

Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!


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