How I’m Tackling 2023
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year, cue the resolutions, crowded gyms, and the fresh starts. The clock striking 12 and rolling into the New Year symbolizes a fresh start for many. Cheers to new beginnings! This year, I’m taking 2023 by storm with 4 words.
Grace. Grit. Gratitude. Growth.
The grace to let my hair down and take the much needed break. The grace to say “NO” to things that don’t enhance my life or guide me in the direction of what I’m purposed. The grace to say YES to all that aligns with God’s will for my life. Saying YES to self-care, not only just spa facials and bubble baths, but also time to be still and remember that He is God and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
The grit of the grind as I put in work and strive to reach all that God has for me this year. Yes, I believe (faith) but I also gotta do (works). Putting in work can look different for everyone. For me, it looks like writing, editing, blogging, and creating the things that align with what I’m purposed for this season. What does grit look like for you?
Gratitude. In all things give thanks. I’m thanking God for everything. The little things like my first Etsy sale, my first subscriber, the fact that I’m able to create like God forming world with my words. One thing I’ve learned over the years is not to despise small beginnings. When thankful for the little it’s easy to be thankful for the lot, it’s like it comes second hand. Gratefulness opens doors.
As I grow older, I seem to grow wiser, maybe that’s why I have grey hair at 34 lol! On a serious note, as I’ve grown, I begin to realize more and more that some of the people in my life are seasonal. Sometimes they’re present for me to pour into them and vice versa. For the most part, I have not started and ended the year with the same circle. I have my core group of SOLID friends but everyone else has come and gone, no harm no foul!
It’s safe to say, I’m tackling this year with Grace, Grit, Gratitude, and Growth. Tell me in the comments how are you tacking on 2023?