He Cares for Me

I sit and look at my nails and all I can do is thank God! Why? See, I remember when I quit my waitressing job, you can check out that post here! That job served as a filler, an out to eat, get my nails done, hair done, extra Starbucks type of filler, you know the necessities that are not really necessary.

When I let it go, because it was time, I secretly thought to myself, how am I going to keep my nails up? Getting my nails done was the main thing I did for myself. This was no secret to God, little did I know He was plotting. Well, let me tell you sis, GOD provided. Every month since I quit my second job, I HAVE NOT PAID FOR MY NAILS! You know nails aren’t cheap either. God has taken care of me. Most recently, I went in prepared to pay for a gel hot oil pedicure, dip nails, and eyebrows, but I didn’t pay for not a single service, someone paid for me!!! The time before that, I received a $100 gift card to a nail salon and your girl used it too! Can I say But GOD!

I say that to say, if God is for you who or what can be against you? Nothing sis! God is your biggest ally. Keep in mind, I didn’t ask God to get my nails done. He simply knew my quiet wonderings and came all the way through. If he did that without me asking, if I ask, then what?! During this season of my life, God is showing himself as the Provider. There are many colors to God’s skin, his character. He is love, peace, provision, wisdom, the list goes on.

Why Did God Do it?

I’m no one ‘special,’ God can do the same for you. The simple reason I believe He showed up and showed out is because He’s a good father and He loves me. HE LOVES ME.

You remember the famous verse John 3:16,

God so loved the word HE GAVE his only begotten son, that whosever believes in him will have everlasting life?

Well, God is the Ultimate Giver. He gave his son, for people who cared less. Why wouldn’t he give to someone who actually loves him?!

Thinking about God’s love. I want to invite you to 👉🏾join the conversation with my newest release loading, Colors of Your Skin. When the Lady meets her lover, the Lord. Colors of Your Skin is a collection of love poems, think modernized Song of Solomon!

Comment below a time when God showed out for you!

Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!


Starting Over As a Christian


How I’m Tackling 2023