
Turns out, I should’ve taken my own advice. When the going gets tough, those in Christ stand on the Solid Rock, because all other ground lacks stability. Easier said than done, I should have taken my own advice but I didn’t, when life started, life-ing, I pulled a Jonah. You know Jonah was supposed to go to Nineveh, right, but he decided to not go, long story short, he still went and got swallowed by a fish along the way. Well, I was Jonah, minus the fish. Ouch. I became swallowed by the cares of this world and my writing to a backseat, like wayyy in the back, I’ll touch on that in a bit.

When the Cares of This World, Choked Me

One of the areas I’m attacked or the enemy tries to snare me in is my writing, which is my God-given creative outlet to be used for the Kingdom. Throughout this year, my writing became choked out by the cares of this world, smothered. It became literally non-existent. My work-life-church balance was not…balanced. Although, I had schedules and checklist-for my checklist, I still seemed to not find time or the desire to write.

Now, I’m aware that there’s a season and time for everything. I’ve noticed that during some seasons, I write a lot, in others not so much. However, I’ve always written something.

When writing took a back burner, as I reflect, I realize I became content in my chaos while not focusing on my calling. That doesn’t mean I was to sit and write for hours, however, it does mean, that I write something or do something to grow the skill of writing. In order to restart, I needed to repent. I called out to my Lord, asked for forgiveness in being stagnant with the gift He’s given me and I changed the direction of my life to include writing, more about that below.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added to you.
— Matthew 6:33

The Simple Shift That Changed My Perspective

One day my outlook shifted. While in prayer God whispered to my heart, it was like an unction or urgency to write again. So I changed, after all, the common denominator was me! So, I changed the way I work. I set a hard schedule of when to cut off school work and when to start and stop church work. I revised my checklist to focus on the Big Rocks, what must be completed in order for me to be successful/accomplished for the day. This has been a game changer.

After refocusing, I changed my perspective. My perspective went from “I got to___” to “I get to___.” The tongue is powerful. Saying “I got to___” displays a slightly negative connotation as it’s something I don’t really want to do but have to do. We hear the words we say. I know that sounds like duh, but hear me out, we hear what we say about ourselves and we begin to believe it and begin acting accordingly to that belief. I heard Terri Savelle Foy say “Change the way you look at things and the way you look at things will change.”

God's guidance and direction for life
Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!

Faith and Feelings


Starting Over As a Christian