Faith and Feelings

Tonight I stayed up into the early hours of the next morning, fighting my feelings. When Scripture says we fight against principalities and powers, well, it feels like the powers are powering okay.

Here's the thing about feelings, they change like the wind, happy to frustrated in ten seconds flat! With that said, I believe feelings should be felt however not dwelt on. For example, feel frustrated, then chose to change that feeling into some that’s beneficial, frustration doesn’t cause nothing but headaches and breakouts. I don’t have time for either.

How to Recover When Life Drags You Down

I’m feeling “Rocky” vibes, cue the music! You know what I say, when life throws you curveballs, bend. Don’t break or bow, simply bend like Neo, it’s giving Matrix with bullets flying vibes. It’s giving the flaming arrows that the principalities and powers be sending like there’s no tomorrow.

Before diving in how to respond, refrain from doing this, wallowing and worrying. Certainly, its easier said than done, but it only makes you feel worse and doesn’t actually solve anything. Let’s leave the pity party behind and focus on the goodness of God.

3 Ways to Respond

Get started with these:

  1. Breathe. Simply take a breath. Remove yourself from whatever environment you’re in and find a place to be still. Calm your thoughts and wash yourself with the waters of the WORD. Listen to some worship. He is God, be still.

  2. Journal. Write down instances of God’s faithfulness, answered prayers, and personal reflections on your spiritual journey. Reflect on His goodness. I heard someone say, what you focus on, you see more of. For instance, when you get a new Toyota, you start seeing Toyotas everywhere. It’s not that they were never there, but now that you have one, you notice them more. Reflect on the good God has done and begin to see more good.

  3. Find and Engage in Positive faith-filled friendships. These friends will be honest with you, pray with you, and stand in the gap when you feel like you’re falling. Godly friends make a big difference.


POV: When you get in your feelings and they begin to feel you right back.

What’s a girl to do?

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Jaleesa Cox

If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to bend. Whether it’s people people-ing or life life-ing, I’ve experienced heart ache and pain, (who hasn’t) but I’ve also experienced God’s amazing grace, provision, protection to say the least. And that’s what I write about, the fight and the rainbows!

The Time Between the Amen and There It Is

