We’ll restyle a template to fit your brand!
We’ll lift extra heavy!
Template Restyle- $797 *introductory offer!
Select a template at checkout and we’ll schedule a call so we can restyle your template to fit your author brand!
A web presence for
your books
your brand
your readers
your books - your brand - your readers -
What’s Included for $997!
30 minute strategy call
We’ll discuss your branding, and overall goal of your website and what we need to help your site come to life.
5 Customized Website Pages
We’ll use your information to create a website, complete with copy. Example pages- home, about, contact, book sales page, shop, etc.
Book Sales Page
This page will highlight the book of your choice. You provide the images and blurbs!
7 Day- Turnaround
That’s right 7 business days! (Churches/Pastors excluded).
Website Copy (words)
You supply the words for your bio, book/art description (and photos) and we’ll jazz up your words.
Website Training
We’ll equip you on using your site and making changes as time passes.
Want an author website designed from the ground up, made just for you…and your books?
Website fromScratch FAQ’S
Upon payment, within 48 hours you will receive an email with a questionnaire and to schedule a call to further discuss details.
Yes! I need any photos/book descriptions that you want use. We’ll jazz up the words for compelling copy!
The turnaround from the time materials are received to begin building the site, 7 days unless we are raptured!
Absolutely! We’ll train you on how to make changes!
Yes. Let’s talk about it!