The Battle of Light vs Dark Collide, taking a deceptive turn…
She crawled until her knees bled. Chasity reminisced that a better decision had been made. She chased her fleeting freedom on foreign land and danced with deception, only time will tell if the decision cost her everything. Fighting to survive breaths away from beasts, Chasity must complete her mission to save her home, unless it’s relinquished to darkness forever.
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It happened again, another beautiful nightmare. Chasity tossed and turned in her sleep, her clothes drenched in sweat stuck to her bronze skin. She dreamed of the lions again. However, this time, the lion’s mouths were stained with blood, and they were running straight for her. She tried to run, but her feet remained like they’re encased in cement. The closer the lions became, the heavier Chasity felt weighted down. She cried out to the Wind who guided her once. Nothing. Silence. The lions now surround her, mouth open and… Chasity awakens breathless and fearful with her bronze skin glistening by beaded sweat. A large shadow and two eyes peered over her piercing her soul. Startled, Chasity now fully alert, shot up from the ground and grabbed her bag. She took a giant step back. Her eyes followed the shadow for a startling yet intriguing sight to behold.